Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kevin Bieksa on After Hours

Here's Kevin Bieksa on After Hours, and it's definitely a good watch. Bieksa's a funny guy, and his deadpan delivery never fails to amuse.

Things we learn: Bieksa is that guy that never shuts up about his "two young kids at home." We get it, loser, you love your family. Also, Bieksa claims he was approached by Firstar sports before Kesler, but he turned down the offer. In response to a question about when the KB3 line is coming out, he quips, "Not for awhile. I gotta be hurting for money."

A high point: Oake and Hrudey badger Bieksa about the trade rumours that swirled this past offseason, and he denies ever really being concerned. Bieksa's been asked this question a billion times, and he's successfully avoided any appearance of concern. I wasn't worried. I just committed myself to playing my game. It's out of my hands. I've got two young kids at home to worry about. But give Kelly Hrudey credit for his follow-up question, which successfully pierced Bieksa's veneer. Turns out he and Gillis met for brunch, and Gillis calmed any fears he might have had.


  1. My favourite part was when he said he had to explain to Vigneault what a "sibling" was :P

  2. Next, he should explain to Vigneault what an "adverb" is. Vigneault is "real good" at misusing them.

  3. when I sent that question in asking when the KB3 line was coming out, I wasn't serious and never expected it to be mentioned. I realized last night that he does like to mention his kids whenever he can.

  4. Kevin Bieksa doesn't think modelling is a real job.....
